April 28, 2015
If we say "paint" to you, one of two images is going to leap into your mind. The first, is a lovely idyllic scene of a hobby painter. She's got an easel, perhaps there's a sunset, and she's painting a lovely scene of rural beauty.
The other isn't a scene that'll make it into any gallery. It's you. Perched atop a stepladder, with a paintbrush in hand, frozen in that split-second after you've failed to juggle two tins of paint without climbing back down. One of those tins – probably the multi-surface paint - is hurtling towards the floor, and you're not totally convinced that the bedsheets protecting your carpet are up to the task.
Yes, mention paint to any reluctant home decorator, and you'll trigger at least one painful memory.
We're here to stop that. We're going to make painting your home a breeze. We're going to take the pain out