Tips & Advice

  1. Taking the Pain out of Paint – a Guide to Painting your Home
    April 28, 2015

    Taking the Pain out of Paint – a Guide to Painting your Home

    If we say "paint" to you, one of two images is going to leap into your mind. The first, is a lovely idyllic scene of a hobby painter. She's got an easel, perhaps there's a sunset, and she's painting a lovely scene of rural beauty.

    The other isn't a scene that'll make it into any gallery. It's you. Perched atop a stepladder, with a paintbrush in hand, frozen in that split-second after you've failed to juggle two tins of paint without climbing back down. One of those tins – probably the multi-surface paint - is hurtling towards the floor, and you're not totally convinced that the bedsheets protecting your carpet are up to the task.

    Yes, mention paint to any reluctant home decorator, and you'll trigger at least one painful memory.

    We're here to stop that. We're going to make painting your home a breeze. We're going to take the pain out

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  2. Brushing up on the Basics – Choosing the Right Paintbrushes
    November 28, 2014

    Brushing up on the Basics – Choosing the Right Paintbrushes

    A bad workman blames his tools, or so the old proverb goes. But even the best workman (or workwoman) will struggle if they're using the wrong tools for the job. So before you start slapping on that expensive paint with the first paintbrush that comes to hand, make sure you brush up on the basics of choosing the right painting tools for your task.

    Let's start with a simple question. What should your brush be made of?

    Synthetic or Bristle Paintbrushes?

    Trade 1st stock both traditional bristle paintbrushes and more modern synthetic paintbrushes – and with good reason.

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  3. PaintWell's Top Tips for Decorating Your Home
    September 25, 2014

    PaintWell's Top Tips for Decorating Your Home

    Home decoration. Two little words that are the cause of far more disagreements than they should be.

    Or at least, they used to be. But here at Trade 1st, we're sick and tired of hearing about people's decorating disasters. So we've put our heads together and come up with four quick and simple tips to ensure that decorating your home runs as smoothly as possible.

    Tip #1: Prepare, prepare, prepare

    Failing to prepare is, as the old saying goes, preparing to fail. And that's not a great idea – especially when it's so simple to prepare to succeed instead! First off, prepare your plan of action. You need to choose a colour scheme that compliments any existing furniture or fixtures. Choosing a few tester paint pots always helps with this.

    Then, when you're set on a scheme, it's time to prepare your room. That means stripping any wallpaper, cleaning surfaces, and making sure everything is ready to begin. For this, we recommend our

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  4. How do I select 1st class Painting and Decorating Supplies?
    March 21, 2014

    How do I select 1st class Painting and Decorating Supplies?

    How do I ensure a 1st class professional finish when selecting Trade1st Painting and Decorating Supplies? Here at Trade1st we are very proud of our mission.

    There are four key areas:

    1. Thorough preparation.
    2. The correct selection and use of painting and decorating supplies.
    3. An understanding of the properties of the materials employed.
    4. An understanding of the surfaces that require decorating

    What are Trade1st Painting and Decorating Key Tips?

    - Complete all your preparation before

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  5. UK homes could do with a lick of paint
    December 10, 2013

    UK homes could do with a lick of paint

    It seems as though many homes around the UK could do with a lick of paint and a general revamp, which may be good news if you’re looking to find new customers for your decorating services.

    To help ensure you’re able to meet demand, it may be wise to invest in some new decorating supplies. By coming to us for these items, you stand to save yourself money, helping to keep your costs to a minimum.


    Brits ashamed of their properties

    According to research commissioned by Dulux, more than two-thirds of Brits are ashamed of their homes and, as a result, 47 per cent have avoided inviting family and friends over. Meanwhile, 66 per cent of people polled as part of the study revealed that they are so embarrassed by the state of at least one room in their abodes that they would not let anyone else see it.

    In addition, 34 per cent of the individuals polled stated there are two or more rooms in their homes that they would not allow others to

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