Tips & Advice

  1. Introducing Spiced Honey – The Dulux Colour of the Year
    September 26, 2018

    Introducing Spiced Honey – The Dulux Colour of the Year

    It’s hard to believe that a whole year has passed since the launch of “Heart Wood”, Dulux’s colour of the year for 2018, but it’s true. So instead of dwelling on the past let’s look to the future and take a look at the 2019 Dulux colour of the year “Spiced Honey”.

    What Dulux say about it

    “Chosen by Dulux colour experts to reflect the new positive mood of the moment. Spiced Honey is a warm amber tone, inspired by the beauty and versatility of honey itself. Spiced Honey can be soothing or calming, cosy or vibrant, depending on the palette you pair it with.”

    Colour palettes

    As well as the colour itself Dulux have also created a set of themed palettes to accompany the new colour and help customers to blend the colour into their home décor. Whether looking to create a soothing place to think, a calming place to dream, a cosy place to love or a vibrant place to act, the new palettes will

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  2. Basic design principles to improve home décor
    September 06, 2018

    Basic design principles to improve home décor

    Have you ever wondered how you could improve the décor of your home but struggle to get inspiration? Perhaps you’ve seen things on Pinterest, Houzz or Instagram, but can’t seem to replicate them at home. Not everyone is blessed with a great eye for decorating and design, but this article should help give you some handy hints to help you improve the décor of your home.

    Create interest with odd numbers

    There’s a reason photographers use something called the rule of thirds and it involves designing with odd numbers to help create harmony and visual interest. The basic concept is that odd numbers help draw more attention and are a lot more appealing than even-numbered object pairings.

    To add to this you can group similar objects together, e.g. different heights of candles in different colours to create even more interest and make these more visually attractive. By avoiding even numbered patterns you help to stop things looking too

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  3. Simple home décor tips for a fast house sale
    August 01, 2018

    Simple home décor tips for a fast house sale

    If you’re looking to sell your home it’s important to focus on the strengths of your property while making the flaws less obvious. And while you can’t improve the location of your property, these simple home décor tips can help to make your house more desirable to potential purchasers. So if you want to find out how to freshen up your home and make it more sellable without breaking the bank, just keep reading.

    Make the right first impression

    We’re sure you’ve heard it before but first impressions really do matter. Kerb appeal is a real thing and can set the tone of expectation for the rest of your property. If the outside looks dated and unkempt then it doesn’t matter how fantastic the interior as people will already be put off. Some easy ways to transform the outside of your home include: giving your front door a fresh lick of paint, ensuring your windows and frames are clean and in good condition, trimming all bushes, grass, and

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  4. Essential tools that every decorator should own
    June 19, 2018

    Essential tools that every decorator should own

    Having the right tools for the job is one of the things that often separate the professionals from amateurs. A professional painter and decorator will not only have all the right equipment but will also know how and when to use it. Most people assume that the only tools needed are a couple of brushes and rollers but the reality is that there are many more tools needed. Let’s take a look at some of the essential tools that every decorator should own.

    Power tools

    It’s hard to imagine life without power tools, and for the professional decorator, there are a number of power tools that are a necessity for getting the job done.

    Heat gun – A good quality, professional heat gun can be used for removing old paint and varnish, softening adhesives, moulding plastics and drying filler.

    Multi-function drill – Whether undoing screws or installing new fittings, a multi-function drill is an absolute must for any painter decorator.

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  5. How to decorate damp or mould stained walls
    May 15, 2018

    How to decorate damp or mould stained walls

    Let’s get one thing out of the way, the first step before you even think of decorating a mould or damp stained wall is to diagnose and treat the problem. Mould and damp can affect your health so the problem needs to be treated as quickly as possible. Otherwise, no matter how good a job you do painting, the mould or damp will keep coming back and cause you problems.

    Once you’ve identified and fixed the mould or damp problem it is time to get to work on preparing the surface ready for decorating.

    Surface cleaners

    There are a range of surface cleaners that are suitable for preparing a mould or damp stained surface prior to painting and these include anti-mould solutions, fungicidal washes and mould and mildew cleaners. Cleaning the surface will help to reduce any existing mould or damp staining and leave the surface clean and

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  6. Painting exterior woodwork and masonry
    April 13, 2018

    Painting exterior woodwork and masonry

    Now that spring is finally here it’s time to start planning all those exterior painting jobs that you’ve been putting off since last year. Whether you have a garden, a yard or a yarden, you can spruce up your exterior space by taking the time to clean, decorate and add a splash of colour. From fencing and sheds to brickwork and decking, there are plenty of features that will be rejuvenated with a lick of paint. In this article, we’ll look at some of the jobs that you should be doing this spring.

    Clean it first

    Like any interior decorating job the first step in any exterior painting job is to clean the area that you are looking to paint. From decking and fences to sheds and brickwork, a good clean is essential to making sure the end result is one that you’ll be proud of. A pressure washer is a good option for cleaning woodwork such as decking and can help remove algae, moss and dirt from all types of surfaces.

    Don’t be afraid of

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  7. Dress to impress – why looks matter for decorators
    March 08, 2018

    Dress to impress – why looks matter for decorators

    As a trade professional you need to look the part with clothing that is tailored to your needs. It’s no good turning up to do a job in a pair of old jeans and old sweatshirt as your clients are unlikely to be impressed. What you need then is a set of workwear that not only helps you look professional, but one that will make your job easier. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some of the best options for decorators and some of the essentials you’ll need.

    Bib and brace overalls

    The recognised standard and the attire by which all others are measured are the humble bib and brace overalls. Loose fitting but not so loose that they get in the way, bib and brace overalls let you move around freely and have a number of pockets for keeping tools handy. And because they can be worn over other clothing they are the perfect choice for working in all conditions.

    Coveralls and boiler-suits

    Where extra protection is needed and for particularly

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  8. How to upcycle furniture like a professional
    February 09, 2018

    How to upcycle furniture like a professional

    One of the most popular ways to breathe new life into old furniture is by upcycling it to create a piece that fits in with your home. With the growing trend for painted furniture, you can achieve the same look for a fraction of the cost by buying used furniture and then painting it yourself. Whether you are looking to create a distressed vintage look or a contemporary and modern piece, we’ll show you some tips to help you upcycle like a pro.


    No matter what your project is the first step is to sand your piece of furniture, even if you are going for a vintage or shabby chic look it is still a good idea to sand your furniture. You are not looking to remove the existing finish but just rough it up so that your chosen primer will have a good surface to stick to. Once you’ve lightly sanded your piece you’ll need to remove any dust using a lint-free cloth.


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  9. Interior design trends that will be big in 2018
    January 18, 2018

    Interior design trends that will be big in 2018

    For many people redecorating their home is one of the biggest goals of the year. All that time spent over Christmas at home makes it hard to ignore those jobs that have been put off all year. So with that in mind let’s take a look at some of the design trends that are going to be big in the year ahead.

    Colour block patterns

    Linear, block patterns look to be on trend for the season ahead and decorators are likely to get a lot of requests for strong and bold colour block patterns. Get the look by using stencils to create strong bold lines just don’t forget to use a low tack, clean edge masking tape to create nice sharp lines, particularly if using metallic toned paint.

    Industrial finishing

    Exposed brickwork, polished concrete and distressed furniture are all going to be strong interior design trends this year. This industrial chic style is all about creating a hardwearing look which is minimal in appearance. Kitchens and bathrooms both

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  10. Decorators tapes unmasked
    December 12, 2017

    Decorators tapes unmasked

    We all know that brush control is the best way of getting straight and clean lines but there’s no doubt that masking tape has its uses. From helping to cover hard surfaces and protect them from paint to protecting trim and other surfaces, a good masking tape is a decorating essential. But with so many tapes on the market how do you know which are the best for your needs? In this guide we’ll help you avoid a sticky situation and unmask the best tapes for the job.

    General purpose masking tape

    First up is your standard general purpose masking tape. This is often the cheapest tape available and can be found in all hardware and painting stores. If you’re looking to protect hard surfaces, would like to cover carpet or other items then this should do the trick. This is not the tape to choose for use on delicate surfaces such as wallpapers, freshly painted surfaces or varnished woodwork. Paint will also

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